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The Best Double Strollers

Updated Dec 11, 2022
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After 10 hours of research and 87 hours spent testing 11 double strollers—including recruiting three families to try the top contenders at the zoo, in stroller-enabled exercise classes, and out trick-or-treating—we found that the compact, convenient, and easy-to-push Chicco BravoFor2 is the best tandem sit-and-stand double stroller, and the sturdily built Baby Jogger City Mini Double is the best side-by-side option for most families. In addition to those two picks, we have three others, and our table comparing all five may help you determine which double stroller makes sense for your family.

Beco Gemini, the best baby carrier

Beco Gemini

The best baby carrier
The Gemini’s simple, versatile design can comfortably carry newborns to toddlers in more positions—on more adult body types—than most other baby carriers.
We recommend
Solly Baby Wrap, the best baby wrap

Solly Baby Wrap

The best baby wrap
The stretchy Solly Baby Wrap is made of a soft, lightweight fabric that makes it the most comfortable and convenient wrap for carrying newborns for longer distances and durations.
We recommend
Chicco BravoFor2, the best tandem double stroller

Chicco BravoFor2

The best tandem double stroller
The BravoFor2’s compact, lightweight design and thoughtful features, including handles for the big kid to grip while they stand and ride, make this tandem sit-and-stand model the best option for families with a baby and a toddler who’s at least 2½ years old.
We recommend
Baby Jogger City Mini Double, the best side-by-side double stroller

Baby Jogger City Mini Double

The best side-by-side double stroller
The City Mini Double excels in maneuverability and ease of use and is the narrowest side-by-side model we tested. It puts both kids in equivalent seats, lets them recline comfortably, and has the quickest, simplest fold of any double stroller we found.
We recommend
Uppababy Vista, the luxe tandem stroller that can do it all

Uppababy Vista

The luxe tandem stroller that can do it all
This high-end tandem stroller can convert from a single stroller to a sit-and-stand to a double with seats in multiple configurations, and is one of the few models of either type we looked at that can hold two infant car seats.
A better upgrade
Contours Options Elite, best for twins or closely spaced kids

Contours Options Elite

Best for twins or closely spaced kids
This tandem double is similar to our upgrade pick, if not quite as versatile, but it costs less than half as much and has more legroom, making it a better choice for twins, even as they get bigger.
Another good choice
Thule Urban Glide 2, best for all-terrain use

Thule Urban Glide 2

Best for all-terrain use
This side-by-side double jogger is the easiest to push and maneuver of all our double stroller picks. It’s also heavier and bulkier, though it’s relatively light and streamlined compared with other double joggers.
Another good choice

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